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2002-11-17���11:35 a.m.

Life is so strange sometimes. I cant complain though beacaus at the moment I am actualy happy. well I think I am anyway. Things are just going so well for me at the moment. Its weired this is the first time in a long time that I have been happy and it wasent beacaus of a girl. I am happy with me and the things going on in my life. So this is what it is like not to depend on anyone for happyness. Cool. I could get usto this. I do still think of Ela a lot though. But its not the same. I cry for hours like I usto. I just think about her and hope she is doing well. Things are going so well for me I hope they are for her also. Its so strange beacaus I actaly feal like I am finding my place in the world and for once it is not scaring the hell out of me. Things are actaly realy good at the moment. I hope you all are doing well. I love and miss you all.

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