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2002-10-12���2:48 p.m.

I have kinda fallen off the earth lately. I dont have any comunication with anyone I know. I havent even been calling Leigh lately. I know I should at least call and let her know that I am alright but for some reason I just cant at the moment. I hope no one is angry at me for this. I cant say that I would blame them if they were. There is just so much going on at the moment that I am trying to deal with. I just kinda need some time to myself. My birthday was the other day. 29. One more year and I will be 30. That just doesent even seam possable. Its stramge I just loged on to AIM but had to get off. I am just so not ready to comunicate with anyone in the world yet. There are so many memories on my mind at the moment. The fall always gets my mind going. Some of the best times in my life have been in the fall. I wish I knew how to put into words what I am fealing at the moment. There are some peaple out there that I realy miss. I hope you know that I think of you all and that just beacaus I am not in the world at the moment that you dont matter. My Angel sent me an email on my birth day. She was the only one to say anything to me about it. Thanks. It ment a lot to me. I miss talking to you. I need to go. Not sure why but I just do. Later.

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