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2002-08-14���11:40 p.m.

Yeah I know to many entries in one day. My mind has just been runing wild today. I keep thinking of so many diferent things. Do you ever let stupid things get to you? I just got through watching Rudy. I am sure most of you have not seen it beacaus it is a football movie. Its about so much more. It is about having purpose in your life. Its funny for a long time I thought I was put here to be a minister. Funny thought isent it. Somewhere along the way I got lost and it dident happen. I wonder where I would be if I had. Would I feal like my life has meaning? It makes me wonder. I know there is more to life then the exsistance I have. Maybe the reason my life is shit is beacaus I am not doing what I am suposto be doing. Maybe the reason things never work out for me is beacaus I spend my life trying to have what I want and getting my way that I dont listen to God and let him have his way. Its funny I kinda feal like I have lost all faith in everything. Maybe I just have faith in the wrong things. I dunno maybe I should join a monistary and turn my life to God. Or maybe I just need a drink realy bad. Praga Khan in the cd player is a good thing.

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