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2002-01-13���4:33 a.m.

EEEK it is 4:33 and I am just now starting to write here. I wish I wasent so tired beacaus I am acutualy in a mood to write. But alas I am so I will have to wait untill tomorow. I hope I am still in the mood to. But I am exspecting to talk to Ela tomorow and that always puts me in a good mood. Oh yeah one more thing Leigh gave me a way cool book tonight. Its called The paranoid's pocket guide Hundreds of things you never knew you had to worry about. It is so cool and verry funny so I think each night I will put somthing here from it just to give you somthing else in this big scarry world to worry about. Goodnight everyone. I miss you babe.

Radon seeping from the ground, through foundations and into homes may be causing lung cancer in as many as 20,000 people every year. This invisible odorless and tasteless gas is present at unsafe levels in over 21% of all homes.

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