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2001-12-28���2:57 a.m.

I am siting here reading somones Diary (ophelia) when I should be in bed sleeping. It is totaly making my brain work way more then it has in a long time. To make it worse (or better) she is online asking me all kinda of questions that I dont even answer for myself and for some reason I am answering her. I find a strange sick comfert in it though. Its good to get things out somtimes. Its strange beacaus I dont really know this person verry well and yet I seam to answer anything she asks. (Shiloh=way too open) She is making me think of things I usualy try not to think about (yeah that is way healthy) Its strange this day started out really bad but I am actually fealing better about things at the moment. Well I geuss I will shut up now before I let to many fealings slip out. To those peaple out there who know who you are. I love you. And thanks to Ophelia.

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