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2003-12-30���9:36 p.m.

What a day. Nothing like I was exspecting. Went to work at the butt crack of dawn. I hate getting up when it is still dark outside. Worked like a dog untill the sun went down. Then I went to my brothers house and have been painting. He and I wound up talking a lot. We realy havent done that in a long long time. It was good. For the first time in a long time I feal close to him. We talked a lot about girls and relationships and just about what is going on in our lives. It was realy good. He kinda gave me some new perspectives on some stuff. He is a lot smarter then I give him credit for. I am tired of living in the shell I have put myself in. I am just going to crack it open. Its not going to be easy but it is something I need to do. Later all.

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